Training In Good Weather Helps And Tomorrow Is A Test

The Training Continues

Fortunately for me, the weather in Verbier continues to be pleasant over this training period. It just makes the long hours trudging up the mountain bearable. I have now clocked over 101 km over the few days I have been here, whilst also skiing, swimming and doing an hour of daily strength training in the gym. Also, it's been quite exhausting trying to consume thousands of calories daily to have some stores when I go up Everest in a couple of weeks. Never before have I consumed so many chocolate bars, tarts, and cheese!

Tomorrow is an exciting day for me!  I will go with my Swiss guide, Cherries up to cabane Tortin, a refuge near the top of Montfort. Montfort is 3329 meters or 10,921 feet. We will be sleeping and dining there, which will test my altitude tolerance.  More photos to follow tomorrow!


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