When In Kyoto, Dress Like A Geisha (It Took Us Hours)

We are having a lot of fun in Kyoto! Of course, part of the experience is dressing up as a traditional maiko geisha. All I can say is, it takes forever, 9 layers of clothing, white face paint, red eye make up, and hairdo. But it had to be done, of course.
Before I get into the wonderful things we are seeing in Kyoto let me first talk about two things that we have found interesting.
Obviously a lot gets lost in translation, English is terribly difficult to learn and we love the Japanese people but there are some signs that just have to be noted.
A bar on Pontocho
Some nail varnish and other bath products
Green Tea
Kyoto green tea is fantastic, and roasted green tea is memorable. They also put green tea in everything! You have macha latte from Starbucks, green and roasted tea ice cream, green tea eclairs, and of course, green tea mochi, etc.
Starbucks Macha Latte
Green Tea And Roasted Tea Ice Cream
Green Tea Eclairs
Mochi Green Tea and Toasted Sesame Ice cream
We visited a few (too many to see in one trip) temples, shrines, gardens, all very impressive. You do get templed out, after a while, and there are numerous restaurants and shopping areas to peruse.

Sorry, but I am having some problems with the internet so this blog continues tomorrow!
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