Another Rainy Day in London Town

                                            Another Rainy Day in London Town

Unfortunately, the weather in London has been horrible, so trying to do long walks is not an option for me.  I know it's doable, but life is just too short to have to weather it!

So instead, I have been continuing my routine which is comprised of the following:  2 walks a week along the Thames Path of about 13-15 km at a time, 3 days a week of cycling (preferably in front of the "Game of Thrones" or the French Open for 8-10 miles), and about 15 minutes of abdominal and arm work outs after either activity.

It's not exactly very intense, but it's enough to keep me going until I can do more long distance walking and keeping myself distracted by either the telly or by audio books just makes the time go by a little more quickly.  I don't exactly zen out and keep a blank mind and instead I try to make believe I am not doing any exercise at all!!!

As for dieting.....well, I don't diet since I love food too much.  I have, however, been trying to eat more healthily (and I need to balance out the other vices) plus I do notice when I eat badly and when I eat well.  It's nice not to feel sluggish and slow when you're training.

I try and keep as gluten free as possible (the odd baguette and crouton is not a killer so of course I cheat every now and then) so in the morning I have been having gluten free banana/date muffins with chopped almonds and maple syrup.  Not exactly low calorie but enjoyable.  For lunch I try and keep to the rice with fish or grilled meat with vegetables option and for dinner, whatever I feel like cooking and the kids, their friends and hubby would  like.  Lately, we have been having a lot of barbecues, but have kept to the quinoa and potato option (with lots of grilled vegetables on the side).

As for puddings, I have been making chocolates (dark, white, milk) by melting high quality cooking chocolate and pressing chopped fruit, almonds, and coconut flakes on them when they have melted. A quick five minutes and the freezer and they are ready to eat! Freeze dried raspberries add the finishing touch to add color contrast and a slight tartness.


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