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Reflections On Having A Semi-paralysed Face

  Obviously, like most people, I am concerned about how I look. I’m older now, so it’s probably less important than in my youth, but it still matters.  Ask anyone who says they don’t care if they have a massive inflamed pimple in the middle of their nose. If they say it doesn’t bother them and make them self conscious, I’d say there was perhaps a bit of a fib going on.  Of course I’ve spent more than enough money on skincare, makeup, treatments to enhance looks and try to delay the signs of aging. That’s why it’s a very large and profitable business  because in most people’s minds, looks matters.  It’s not the be all and end all, of course, but we try to avoid having bad teeth, bad skin and look, hopefully, “naturally” radiant. We want to be, and look like, the best version of ourselves. Enter Bell”s Palsy. I am in Verbier at the moment, having come here over the Christmas holidays with plans of training for my second trip to Nepal this coming March. Everest bas...

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